2025 The 19th Ningbo International Plastic and Rubber Industry Exhibition

June 12-14, 2025

Ningbo International Convention And Exhibition Center

The current position: Home > 参展费用 >

Exhibitor Service

 Standard booth

  • Configuration:

  • • Chinese (English) lintel plate (1 piece) • White siding on three sides

  • • One consultation desk • Two folding chairs

  • • Fully carpeted • Booth lighting

  • • One 220V/1 power socket • One waste paper basket

  • Charges:

  • A: Domestic enterprise 9800/Exhibition period (RMB) 3m×3m

  • B: Hardcover exhibition area 13800/Exhibition period (RMB) 3m×3m

  • C: Foreign companies 2800/Exhibition period (USD) 3m×3m

Indoor bare ground
  • Charges:

  • A: Domestic enterprises 980 (RMB)/square meter

  • B: Hardcover exhibition area 1380 (RMB)/square meter

  • C: Foreign companies 280 (USD)/square meter

  • Note: (at least 36 square meters for rent) "Raw Space" only provides exhibition space and needs to be built by exhibitors, excluding display racks, exhibition equipment, carpets, power supplies, etc.

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