2025 The 19th Ningbo International Plastic and Rubber Industry Exhibition

June 12-14, 2025

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Nine departments are released! Involving trillions of new chemical materials industry...

It is learned that recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the National Energy Administration and other 9 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Innovation and Development of the Fine Chemical Industry (2024-2027)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").


Overall Objectives:


By 2027, the petrochemical industry will make positive progress in the refinement and extension. Focusing on the needs of economic and social development, we have conquered a number of key products, and further enhanced the ability to guarantee the supply chain of key industrial chains; Breakthroughs have been made in a number of green, safe and intelligent key technologies, the level of energy efficiency has been significantly improved, the total amount of volatile organic compound emissions has been greatly reduced, and the level of intrinsic safety has been significantly improved. Cultivate more than 5 world-class enterprises with strong innovation-leading and collaborative integration capabilities, cultivate more than 500 specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises, and create more than 20 chemical parks dominated by fine chemicals with strong competitive advantages, so as to form an innovation and development system with the integration of large and medium-sized enterprises and the coordination of upstream and downstream enterprises.


Key tasks (some excerpts):


(1) Implement effective supply capacity improvement actions


Promote the extension of the chain of traditional industries.


Promote the development of fine chemicals in traditional industries with the focus on the high-end extension of the industrial chain, create a specialized, refined, characteristic and novel product system, enhance the added value of products, and enhance core competitiveness.


1. Petrochemical industry (including petrochemical industry and natural gas chemical industry). Focus on the utilization of olefins and aromatics, and develop high-end polyolefins, engineering plastics, polyurethanes, special synthetic rubber, high-performance fibers, functional films, special chemicals, high-performance adhesives, etc.


2. Coal chemical industry. Focus on the development of coal-based degradable plastics, polynaphthalene ethylene dicarboxylate (PEN) and other high value-added new varieties, and do a good job in the high-value utilization of methanol and olefins. Promote the comprehensive utilization of high-value components such as naphthenes, oxygenates and aromatics in Fischer-Tropsch synthetic oil and coal tar, and develop special oil products, high-end carbon materials, rubber additives, pesticides, dyes and pharmaceutical intermediates.


3. Salt (mining) chemical industry. Focus on strengthening the high-value utilization of fluorine, silicon, phosphorus and other mineral resources, the development of ultra-clean and high-purity hydrofluoric acid, special fluorine-containing monomers, fourth-generation fluorine-containing refrigerants and other fluorine-containing chemicals, high-quality fluororesin, high-performance fluoroelastomer and other fluorine-containing new materials; new silicone monomers and advanced silicon materials such as high-performance silicone oils, silicone rubbers, and silicone resins; Phosphorus-based new energy materials, high-performance phosphorus-containing flame retardants, plasticizers, water purification agents, pharmaceutical and pesticide intermediates, black phosphorus-based materials and other high value-added phosphorus-containing chemicals.


4. Biochemical industry. Focus on building a bio-based material system based on the utilization of non-food biomass resources such as bulk crop straw and residues, strengthen the coupling with petrochemical, coal chemical industry, salt (mineral) chemical industry and other industries, and develop bio-based chemicals such as lactic acid, 1,3-propanediol, acrylic acid, succinic acid, trans-aconitic acid, pentanediamine, furan, polylactic acid, polyurethane, polyethylene glycol polyfurandicarboxylate, polycarbonate, nylon, special rubber and other bio-based polymers, etc., to form an effective supplement to existing fossil-based materials.


Accelerate the research of key products.


Focusing on the needs of new energy, new materials, biotechnology, industrial machine tools, and medical equipment, we will carry out collaborative innovation by means of "unveiling the leader" and "horse racing mechanism" to improve the supply capacity of key products in the fields of high-end polyolefins, synthetic resins and engineering plastics, polyurethane, fluorosilicon materials and products, special rubber, high-performance fibers, high-performance membrane materials, electronic chemicals, high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides, high-end dyeing pigments, special coatings, special adhesives, special additives and oils, new catalysts, and high-end reagents.......


Promote the quality of superior products.


1. Coatings. Gradually reduce the production and use of high VOCs solvent-based coatings, and vigorously develop environmentally friendly and resource-saving coatings without (low) VOCs such as water-based, powder, radiation curing, high solids, solvent-free, etc., which are used for high-performance coatings in large aircraft, high-speed rail, large ships, new energy, electronic information, household appliances, general machinery and other fields to meet the needs of consumption upgrading......


2. Dyeing (pigment) material. Accelerate the development of new functional and environment-friendly dyeing (pigment) products such as high-solubility and high-strength reactive dyes, acid dyes, and organic pigments that meet the needs of new processes, new fibers, and dyeing and finishing technologies in the textile printing and dyeing industry.....


3. Pesticides. Adjust the product structure, phase out pesticides with high residues and have a great impact on the environment or the quality and safety of agricultural products, and accelerate the development of efficient, safe and environment-friendly pesticides and intermediates, as well as water-based, ultra-low volume, sustained-release and other preparation dosage forms.......


4. Specialty chemicals. Accelerate the development of water-based (body) and other low-VOCs adhesives, inks, cleaning agents, environmentally friendly water treatment agents, green and efficient catalysts, solvents, modifiers/additives/surfactants, ultra-clean and high-purity reagents......


5. New chemical materials. Focusing on optimizing the structure of raw materials, improving product quality, and reducing consumption emissions, the existing production equipment is transformed and upgraded by using technologies such as cleaner production and intelligent control to improve the competitiveness of the industry. Promote enterprises to strengthen applied research, improve product quality, increase varieties and grades, and expand applications in high-end fields.


(2) Implement safety and environmental protection technological transformation actions


Promote technological transformation.


1. Safetyization technology. Promote the R&D, promotion and application of continuous process technologies such as continuous nitration, continuous hydrogenation, continuous (directional) chlorination, continuous oxidation, continuous fluorination, continuous esterification, new alkylation, continuous amination (ammoniation), continuous diazotization, hydrolysis, microchannel, step-by-step crystallization, vacuum precision distillation, etc......


2. Green technology. Accelerate the R&D, promotion and application of high-efficiency catalysis, biocatalysis, reactive distillation, hypergravity, sealing technology, toxic and harmful raw and auxiliary materials with high VOCs content, and reduce organic emissions at the source. Carry out the resource and harmless resource utilization of pesticide by-products and the resource recycling of waste polyurethane materials...... and other resource recycling technologies, research and development, promotion and application, to achieve industrial waste resource utilization......


3. Intelligent technology. Promote three-dimensional warehouses, guide rails and manned automatic reclaiming, infrared identification unmanned forklifts, automatic control of color paste grinding, automatic cleaning of stirring kettles, hazard monitoring and early warning, VOC online monitoring, etc......


(3) Implement actions to improve the innovation system


Layout and construction of innovation platform.


Strengthen the construction of the State Key Laboratory and Manufacturing Innovation Center in the field of fine chemicals, and give full play to the role of relevant industrial innovation alliances...... Focusing on the research of key common technologies such as low-risk chemical process, efficient separation, and purification, a number of pilot platforms have been laid out..... Promote the implementation of pilot projects. Promote upstream and downstream collaborative innovation. Continue to promote the "one-stop" application demonstration of advanced technologies and products such as high-voltage cable insulation and shielding materials, electronic special gases, and microchannels.


Construction of fine chemical pilot platform.


Encourage local governments to focus on the efficient utilization of phosphate rock resources, the common technologies of low-risk and efficient production of fine chemicals (microchannel, hypergravity, hydrogenation, polymerization, chlorination, fluorination, sulfonation, amination, alkylation, etc.), the preparation and purification technology of non-food bio-based chemicals, the key common technology of photoresist resin synthesis, the purification technology of ultra-high purity chemicals, the key common technology of high-end polyolefin polymerization, the common technology of efficient separation and VOCs treatment, and the high-efficiency gas separation technology of inorganic membrane. Flexible design according to the operation characteristics of the unit......


(4) Implement the action of strengthening enterprises and cultivating talents


Cultivate and expand leading enterprises.


Promote large-scale petrochemical enterprises to focus on national strategic needs and industrial upgrading needs, increase key technology research on high-end products, and enhance international competitiveness and industrial chain control through strategic cooperation, mergers and acquisitions, and professional integration.


Vigorously cultivate small and medium-sized enterprises.


Encourage leading enterprises to play the role of "chain master", and include supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the management of important industrial chains and supply chains...... Anchor the key links and typical application scenarios of important industrial chains and supply chains, create professional and characteristic businesses, and consolidate and enhance the domestic and global market position.


Speed up the construction of talent team.


(5) Implement actions to optimize the industrial layout


Promote the standardized development of the park. Promote coordinated regional development.


1. Park-based development.


New hazardous chemicals production projects must enter chemical parks with general or low safety risks (except for projects that are built in conjunction with production equipment in other industries)...... Strictly implement the "prohibition, restriction and control" catalogue and project access conditions of chemical parks......


2. Coordinated development between regions.


East China focuses on the development of pesticides, dyeing (pigments), high-end rubber and plastic additives, engineering plastics, high-end thermoplastic elastomers, fluorosilicon organic materials, electronic chemicals, etc.; South China focuses on the development of coatings, adhesives, surfactants, plastic additives, high-end natural rubber and synthetic rubber, high-end functional resins, thermoplastic elastomers, membrane materials, electronic chemicals, etc.; North China focuses on the development of pesticides, coatings, surfactants, water treatment agents, electronic chemicals, etc.; Central China focuses on the development of phosphorus-based new materials, fluorosilicon materials, electronic chemicals, high-end rubber and plastic additives, etc.; Northeast China focuses on the development of non-food bio-based food additives, feed additives and surfactants, oilfield chemicals, pesticides, coatings, separation media and catalysts; The southwest region focuses on the development of fluorosilicon materials, phosphorus-based new materials, food additives, feed additives and adhesives, separation media, etc.; Northwest China focuses on the development of oilfield chemicals, fluorosilicon materials, high-end functional resins and synthetic rubber, high-performance fibers and refining catalysts.


(6) Implement actions to improve the development environment


Implement precise service guarantee.


Give play to the role of intermediary organizations such as associations as bridges.


Implement Responsible Care.


Actively respond to the impact of the adjustment of chemicals management policies and standards. Closely track and judge the impact of adjustments to chemical management policies and standards, relevant international conventions, and management rules of some countries and regions on China's fine chemical industry, participate in the formulation and revision of chemical management systems such as the "Global Harmonized Classification and Labeling System for Chemicals", formulate and implement relevant standards for green and sustainable chemistry, and guide enterprises to follow up and actively adapt to changes in the external environment, so as to effectively respond to green trade barriers.


Source: UTPE Elastomer Portal

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